Tag: Visualisierung
The rural district Spree-Neiße invited for September 24th to a Democracy Conference in Forst (Lusatia) on the exploration of ones own political position. With a collective drawing session,…
Results from my LIVE drawing session at the neocarthography conference of the ifl Institute for regional Geography in Leizig made it on the cover of KN Kartographische Nachrichten…
From June 18. bis 30. 2018 the Cottbus Pride-Weeks will take place, with the demonstration, street festival and und Rainbow-Party on saturday, june 30th. The full program and…
On December 11th and 12th I will run the visualiziaion seminary “Am Anfang war das Wort – Nein! Das Bild!” (In the beginning was the word – no!…
On October 30th I wll draw LIVE at the event “Women speak at the dining table – Berlin after-dinner-speeches” at Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin. Subject are reformation and…
As Live-Comic artist I participated on July 18th in an evening on the issue of flight “Kinosommer Welcome – ein Abend zum Thema Flucht” (Welcome – a cinema…
“Biographies in the countryside” have been the topic of my Live-Visualization, part of a roadshow at grammarschool Döbern/ Brandenburg on march 20th 2012. Medien auf dem Land (media…