Tag: Live
From June 18. bis 30. 2018 the Cottbus Pride-Weeks will take place, with the demonstration, street festival and und Rainbow-Party on saturday, june 30th. The full program and…
In Basel/ Switzerland I have been drawing LIVE at the International Exploratory Workshop “imagine otherweise” of the network Gender Studies Schweiz at the university of Basel. A wonderful…
…and I´m drawing LIVE there!
This years´ Cottbus Pride I´ve been drawing all around, and it was wonderful! In this short film about the demonstration you can see me from second 25 on:…
“And I will put my spirit within you” (Ezechiel 36, 27) A Comic and Illustrations I contributed to the tool for womankind church service, edited by Amt für…
I´m glad to draw again in the new year LIVE for the project “Demokratie (er-)leben!” (Living Democracy! Rural district of Spree-Neiße)! More Info HERE. Between the holidays the…
On October 30th I wll draw LIVE at the event “Women speak at the dining table – Berlin after-dinner-speeches” at Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin. Subject are reformation and…
As Live-Comic artist I participated on July 18th in an evening on the issue of flight “Kinosommer Welcome – ein Abend zum Thema Flucht” (Welcome – a cinema…
This year I documented for the 4th time the Cottbus CSD with my LIVE drawings – it was great, and each year the event is lovelier! A picture…
Presentation of “Die anderen Mendelssohns – Karl Mendelssohn Bartholdy” at leipzig book fair and at Mendelssohn-Haus Leipzig, where Maja Malysch supported my lecture on her Cello. On Facebook…
“Biographies in the countryside” have been the topic of my Live-Visualization, part of a roadshow at grammarschool Döbern/ Brandenburg on march 20th 2012. Medien auf dem Land (media…