“Civil Society Heroes Leading Change” – A comic I made with the Kaleidoscope Trust (London).
“Civil Society Heroes Leading Change” is a collection of four comics that illustrate the real-life journeys of advocates, civil society organisations, and intersectional movements in fighting for non-discrimination, justice, and equality in Nigeria, South Africa, Belize, and Fiji.
The collection showcases the complexity and importance of those journeys for women, girls, and LGBT+ people in a bid to inspire and encourage others to strive for social change and justice.
See the complete comics online plus documentary film clips on the drawing process made by Evi Kruckenhauser. A big thank you to everyone involved!
“Civil Society Heroes Leading Change” (Held:innen der Zivilgesellschaft treiben Veränderungen voran) ist eine Sammlung von vier Comics, die vom Leben der Fürsprecher:innen, zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen und intersektionalen Bewegungen erzählen – dem Kampf für Antidiskriminierung, Gerechtigkeit und Gleichstellung in Nigeria, Südafrika, Belize und Fiji.
Die Sammlung zeigt die Komplexität und Notwendigkeit dieser Prozesse für Frauen, Mädchen und LSBT+ Menschen in dem Versuch , andere zu inspirieren und zu ermutigen – sich um Gerechtigkeit und soziale Verbesserungen zu bemühen.
Die kompletten Comics sind online verfügbar, dazu kurze dokumentarische Filmclips zum Zeichenprozess von Evi Kruckenhauser . Ein grosses Dankeschön an alle Beteiligten!
The stories:
The comic “We Are One in Dignity and Rights” explores the success of Caleb Orozco and the United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM) in the decriminalisation of consensual same sex relations among adults in Belize.
The comic “A Child Is Born” tells the story of the Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP) fighting against female genital mutilation and violence against girls and women in Enugu state in Nigeria.
The comic “Fiji People Writing the Constitution” is about the collective efforts of youth, LGBT+, women and indigenous civil society groups and activists, including Roshika Deo, who is the central figure of the comic, to draft the People’s Constitution for the democratic Fiji.
The comic “I Am Because We Are” UJ Liberati is the story about the LGBT+ student organisation UJ Liberati who successfully fought for its registration and better recognition and protection of LGBT+ rights in the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
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