Tag: VeranstaltungPage 2 of 3
This years´ Cottbus Pride I´ve been drawing all around, and it was wonderful! In this short film about the demonstration you can see me from second 25 on:…
Workshop on Hieronymus Bosch at union college Berlin (german language) 30th/31st of July – join us! Information and application HERE.
“And I will put my spirit within you” (Ezechiel 36, 27) A Comic and Illustrations I contributed to the tool for womankind church service, edited by Amt für…
On Saturday Juni 18th my publisher Reprodukt celebrated their 25th birthday at the Exrotaprint-area in Berlin-Wedding! Like Dirk Schwieger, Aisha Franz, Mawil, Sascha Hommer and other colleagues I…
Previous to this years´ International Comics-Salon Erlangen again I ran a number of Comics Workshops: in the framework of the cultural pedagogic project “Comic macht Schule” (Comics in…
I´m glad to draw again in the new year LIVE for the project “Demokratie (er-)leben!” (Living Democracy! Rural district of Spree-Neiße)! More Info HERE. Between the holidays the…
On December 11th and 12th I will run the visualiziaion seminary “Am Anfang war das Wort – Nein! Das Bild!” (In the beginning was the word – no!…
Tuesday, 12.1.2016 I will be guest at Hyperbandrauschen, private radio station of C-Base, Berlin. We talk about comics, research, workshops and the situation in Russia. Join in. Tue…
On October 30th I wll draw LIVE at the event “Women speak at the dining table – Berlin after-dinner-speeches” at Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin. Subject are reformation and…
On November 17 the evening class “Comic Practise for adults” will start again! 12 evenings fortnightly at Comic library RENATE in Berlin-Mitte (in German language). Application and Information:…
To the International Mendelssohn Festival Hamburg I got to contribute drawings! Dates: September 16th to 28th 2015. The festival homepage you find HERE. PBelow: photos of posters in…
September 13th at 3 pm at the historical place in Görlitz; with pictures from the book, lecture, book signing and tour through the historical area of Dr. Kahlbaum…
I´m happy that next week I´ll be at the Helsinki Comics Festival with Femicomix Finland! Friday, 28.8. at 3.30 pm: talk at the festival center; 16.30 – 20.30:…
As Live-Comic artist I participated on July 18th in an evening on the issue of flight “Kinosommer Welcome – ein Abend zum Thema Flucht” (Welcome – a cinema…
This year I documented for the 4th time the Cottbus CSD with my LIVE drawings – it was great, and each year the event is lovelier! A picture…
On July 25th and 26th I will run a comics workshop in the framework of the summer program of union college Victor Gollancz in Berlin Stegltz-Zehlendorf. Motto: “Witwe…
On Friday June 26 th at 4 pm I´ll visit Femicomix Finland at the Comics Center Sarjakuvakeskus Helsinki: “Meet Elke Renate Steiner (DE)!”. Come and listen to our…
In April I had the big joy to again run a series of Comics Workshops for the International LGBT-Filmfestival Side-By-Side, this time in Perm, Moscow and Murmansk. I…
On Montag, May 4th 2015 I´ll have a home game at Renate Comic Library: At 8 pm I give some insight into the research and work on my…