Tag: International Workshop
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The Klemperer Collection – a Collective Comic” is online and printed (in english language). It tells about the provenience and restitution of the von Klemperer familie´s porcelain collection….
On october 22nd I will again draw LIVE on the expert conference of DEVAP on the reform in care professions in Kassel. www.devap.info/
In November 2016 I was a guest at Stribefeber Comicfestival in Kristiansand, Norway! In the Goethe-Institutes workshop with artists from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain and germany…
In Basel/ Switzerland I have been drawing LIVE at the International Exploratory Workshop “imagine otherweise” of the network Gender Studies Schweiz at the university of Basel. A wonderful…
Previous to this years´ International Comics-Salon Erlangen again I ran a number of Comics Workshops: in the framework of the cultural pedagogic project “Comic macht Schule” (Comics in…